
At Corinaldi Avenue Primary School, we utilize the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Information curriculum to provide each student with a solid educational foundation. Starting from Grade one, students engage with specific themes that build a strong basis for their learning journey, a practice that continues throughout Grades two to six. This seamless progression offers a balanced and coherent educational experience.

Final Grades for the Year

In grade six, final grades shall consist of a combination of grades for each unit, which will form part of the term and yearly test results. The unit grades will constitute 30%. The two termly tests shall comprise 20% each and the yearly test shall comprise 30%. For all other grades, end of unit tests are administered. These are combined with projects, home work group work and class work to determine end of term grades. Three end of term grades culminate as end of year results.

Assessment results will be entered in the permanent record and on the report sheet and will be communicated to all the relevant parties. Reporting to parents will provide opportunities for conferencing with parents at least twice per year. All teachers are expected to take part in this exercise.

Correcting Errors in the Records

If errors in students' marks or grades are discovered after they have been recorded, the teacher is expected to retrieve all affected records and make the corrections within ten days.